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  • Book Club: Update: Monday, April 1st

    …luminous, spirit-lifting blockbuster that asks: would you choose to find out the length of your life? Eight ordinary people. One extraordinary choice. Our book club is open to anyone-members and…

  • Welcome

    …member units is home to a warm, welcoming synagogue community. Contact us today via email or by phone at 570-824-8927. Please also feel free to contact Rabbi Kaplan or (name)…


    UPDATED 8/2/22  It’s hard to believe we’re only weeks away from our Centennial Celebration to be held in the synagogue! Due to concerns for capacity, we originally put an early…

  • Life Cycle Events

    Birth: Brit Milah And Namings Brit Milah (the “Covenant of Circumcision”) The Torah commands us to circumcise our newborn sons on the eighth day of their lives. This ceremony brings…

  • High Holiday Floral Fund

    …Meyer ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. There is still time to make a donation to the 2023 -5784 High Holiday Floral Fund for Yom Kippur. Scroll down to the form below. Announcements, Memorials and…

  • History

    …constant: Our congregation is all about mishpocha, or, family- the families who belong to our synangogue, as well as those who find that sense of belonging unique to fanilies, in…

  • Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

    …help a person find lasting work so they will no longer need charity. The second best way to give Tzedakah is to give so that the donor and the recipient…

  • Book Club: Monday, Jan. 10th

    …never knew, she is pulled into another time. The Ireland of 1921, teetering on the edge of war, is a dangerous place in which to awaken. But there Anne finds…

  • Attendee Event Registration

    …I will bring proof of vaccination to services Your Preferred Contact Method(Required) Email Phone Please choose Email, or Phone Phone(Required) Enter Phone Number Email Address(Required) Enter Email Reenter Email Are…

  • Notes from Rabbi

    …and illnesses are exasperated by gluten, and by eating foods produced from grains in general. I’m not trying to sell a diet. I’m trying to understand what the Torah had…