Search Results for: VIPREG2024 1xbet latest promo code Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Life Cycle Events

    …synagogue and communal life, are “Jews by Choice.” There is a requirement of Milah (circumcision) and Mikvah for male converts and Mikvah for female ones. The Rabbi will make arrangements…

  • Message from Rabbi

    …the Bibas family, and their 4 year old Ariel and 1 year old Kfir. Kfir was 9 months old when Hamas terrorists kidnapped him from his crib. All because of…

  • Rosh Hashanah 5871 Message

    Welcome to Temple Israel! We hope you’re braving the storm of COVID19 as best as you can, and that you and your family and friends are staying safe and well….

  • Book Club: Monday, July 18th

      Monday, July 18th UPDATE: 6pm at Theo’s Metro Book Selection: The Rose Code  by Kate Quinn   Our book club is open to anyone, members and nonmembers alike! If…

  • 2022~High Holidays~5783

    …& Hannah Kline, brother Dr. Sheldon H. Kluger, brother Robert A. Kline and niece Deborah Kline from Sue & Allan Kluger & Family In memory of beloved father and grandfather,…

  • Become a Member

    …members with diverse needs and interests and benefit from their expertise and talents.  We welcome both spouses or partners in dual faith families as members of our congregation. Membership at…

  • Religious School / Midrasha

    …classes begin with preschool and continue beyond Bar and Bat Mitzvah. Our experienced staff teaches Hebrew fluency, prayer facility and understanding, Bible, Holocaust, Jewish rituals, Ethics, Israel, Holidays, History, and

  • Book Club: Monday, March 14th

    …that enriched our nation, from New York Times bestselling authors Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray. Our book club is open to anyone-members and non-members alike!  If you’re interested in…

  • President’s Message

    Dear Friends, Spring is in the air… a time of reviving, regeneration, and renewal. The flowers bloom, the weather begins to warm up and there is a sense that the…

  • President’s Message

    …of the doldrums of the dark and cold winter days. Our magnificent sanctuary, filled with the warmth of community, is the perfect place to refresh and reflect on our lives…